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Wow. Some wonderful images there. I really like the cloud painting over Bruny Island. You are so productive. Quite a body of work. Great website. Have you been working on these pieces for a long time or just since retirement? Love the photos of Birri. Perfect live aboard boat. I’m really very impressed. What type of camera do you use?
Thanks Christmas. Most of the art was done a long time ago – a lot when I was doing my fine arts degree. My camera over the past few years is the wonderful little Canon G16.
Wow. Some wonderful images there. I really like the cloud painting over Bruny Island. You are so productive. Quite a body of work. Great website. Have you been working on these pieces for a long time or just since retirement? Love the photos of Birri. Perfect live aboard boat. I’m really very impressed. What type of camera do you use?
Thanks Christmas. Most of the art was done a long time ago – a lot when I was doing my fine arts degree. My camera over the past few years is the wonderful little Canon G16.